
Oil Painting

BITS Studio aims to answer the various commissions for canvases, portraits and decors they receive, while always striving to bring the client's vision to life. Blanca evolves with the techniques she learns, whether those specific to oil or decorative painting. She experiments with them, then reworks them to discover new ones, gradually making them her own.

Solalex Mountains

An oil painting of the Solalex Mountains captureing the rugged majesty of this iconic Swiss landscape, rendered with rich, textured brushstrokes that evoke the timeless beauty of alpine terrain. Blanca's careful layering of color brings depth to the scene, with delicate highlights tracing the snow-dusted summits and shadowed crevices creating a sense of grandeur and mystery.
Oil painting on canvas
40cm x 40cm

Other oil paintings


Yellow decorations

Mountains of Frience

Imaginary Marble

Marble invented from scratch by BITS Studio, inspired by skyros, pavonazzo and violet breccia. By varying warm and cool tones to provide pleasing contrasts, a harmonious balance is achieved without compromising the unifying character of the work.
Oil paint and conte chalk on canvas
30cm x 40cm